The following procedure may be helpful to any customers who are not familiar with on-line payment tools, or PayPal in particular.
If you have a PayPal account that you use for other purchases, this is by far the simplest way to proceed. However, if you want to pay using your bank debit or credit card, you can still do so here, but you will be required to enter a lot more personal information (card details, name and address and contact details). As you proceed through the payment pathway, you will be presented with options to create a paypal account. This is PayPal functionality that we have no control over (ie we cannot stop it from showing), but it is quite straightforward to decline the option to do so.
Starting within the PACS website, select the workshop that you would like to attend from the Events drop down menu or on the At A Glance section of the Events Page.

Click “Events” on the menu, then click “At a Glance”. Click the VIEW button for the event you wish to book.)
A more detailed explanation of the workshop appears and within that page is the facility to book and pay for a place.

If the workshop booking is open you will see the green paint splash as shown here. Click the icon to book.
(If the booking facility is not yet open the paint splash will be red with a message to come back later)

Enter your membership category by choosing from the menu that appears when you left lick the down arrow in the grid. The default is the Adult Member category and if that is your status then nothing needs changing here. Just fill in your membership number and contact telephone number / email address in the boxes below.
If you are a non-member or a junior, select the appropriate status from the membership category list.
Once all the boxes are completed, click “add to cart”

You will then be re-directed to the PayPal site where you have the option to pay using your PayPal account, or to use a bank card. Click the Paypal (yellow button) to use PayPal, or Check Out (grey button) to pay using your card.

To pay using your PayPal account,
Enter your email address or mobile phone number
and click Next. Continue with STEP 5
To pay using your Debit or credit card click
Pay by Debit or Credit Card. Continue with STEP 6

This screen will identify you and all the cards you have registered with Paypal via your Paypal account in the past. Simply select the one you would like to be debited (click the radio button which will appear as a blue circle) if there are no funds in your PayPal account.

To pay using your debit or credit card you land on the “Check out as guest” page.
Enter your email address and click
Continue to payment.
Note if you have a Paypal account the option to use it is also shown here in case you missed it on the previous screen.

This is the PayPal page for entering your card details.
Fill in all the required boxes.
Card types accepted are shown here.
If the address you enter here is not the same as the billing address for your card, uncheck the Tick Box. You will be asked for the right address.
Make sure you enter your contact details.

Finally – if you do not want to create a Paypal account, slide the blue tick to the left to grey it out as shown here.
You are now ready to pay, so click Pay now as guest.

At this stage, depending on your card provider, you may be requested to authenticate your transaction. This is typically done by sending a message to your smart phone, your landline phone or email account containing a code that will need to be entered on the Authentication screen. Some also require that you re-enter your post-code or other personal data. This is nothing to do with PACS, and the data entered here is not shared with PACS.
Once entered, click continue, and that will conclude the transaction.

If you have a paypal account, and this is recorded on PayPal as your preferred method or if you have set a default on your device, but would prefer to pay using a card that is not known to PayPal, you can do so from this screen.
Click on Confirm a different way (shown below the Log in button).
This opens a page where you scroll to the bottom to see a menu where you can choose to pay by Debit or Credit Card. Clicking there takes you to the Payment by Card screen shown in step 6 of these notes. Proceed from there.